v1.9.0 * Redirection of STDOUT to debugger
* find_from(), match_from()
* Fixed debugger crash when displaying long variable values. Limited
display to 60,000 characters.
* Fixed bug in crash routine
* Fixed parser bug that didn't identify methods correctly if they had the
same name as a class.
v1.8.1 * Added namespace qualifications to FUNC to avoid conflicts with matheval
* Improved intialization when embedded
* Fixed bug that caused a crash if an embedded routine executed any other
embedded code
* Trace will now properly trace code on the same line as an if-then or else
* Variable type info is always saved in a shrouded file
* Fixed parsing bug that incorrectly parsed a floating point number that
started with the decimal point
* Debugger allows display of subscripts, horizontal scrolling for the watch
list, and copy watched variables (using CTRL-C) to the clipboard
* Fixed some cases where debugger wasn't being cleaned up upon exit and
caused a (harmless, but annoying) machine exception
* Can alter variable values from the debugger
v1.8.0 * Pass by reference added as non-RDS compatible feature
* Debugger no longer crashes on app close under Windows
* Debugger uses its own copy of wxEuphoria dll/so
* Debugger will display subscripts
* Fixed preprocessor bugs
* OOEU can now be embedded in other Euphoria applications (see Embedding)
v1.7.1 * Fixed bug when using constructors of class members
* Procedures that didn't use goto could cause a crash
* Parser recognizes that subscripted sequences are really objects when
considering polymorphism of member functions
* Fixed preprocessing bugs
* Fixed 'sequence of' bugs
* Preprocesses literal arguments to routine_id() to proper routine decoration
* Functions (and methods) may define a return type, which will be considered
for polymorphism purposes
v1.7.0 * goto statement now supported
* Constructors can be created by making method functions with the same name
as a class.
* Fixed preprocessing bugs.
v1.6.0 * Can define variables of type 'sequence of ClassName'
* Debugger not loaded until required
* Source code sync'd with PD 2.5 Official Version (minor compared to beta changes)
* continue keyword for loops
v1.5.1 * Fixed bug with member on LHS of assignment, and a member in parameters of a
function call.
* Methods can be called recursively
* Eliminated erroneous warnings when members not used in methods
v1.5.0 * eval'ed code won't leak memory if without trace is in effect on the call to eval()
* Fixed more preprocessor bugs
* Fixed bug with method calls on data members
* var_id(), read_var(), write_var(), dump_variables()
* Fixed shrouding bugs (now using shrouded format 2)
* Fixed error messages returned by eval_error()
v1.4.1 * Incorporated RDS 2.5 beta changes
* Fixed bug: polymorphism didn't work if a sequence was subscripted from within
parameters of a method
* On a crash, details are sent to ooeu.err, and normal file error dump
is sent to ex.err for the program being run
* Fixed bugs in preprocessor. Now handles whitespace between tokens better.
v1.4.0 * Data members for classes
v1.3.1 * eval() fixed, error handling improved
v1.3 * Code with eval() can be shrouded
* Modified shroud format
* Added -c option to shroud without deleting any symbols
* Experimental -i option to include files shrouded with the -c option
* Included dis.ex, which is an il code dissasembler
* Tracing module now updates privates and changing variables automatically
* Tracing API modified
* routine_id is now zero-based
* Callbacks received while control has been handed off to the tracing module
are executed, but not traced. With GUI programs and event handling, this
could cause crashes previously.
v1.2 * First stab at an eval()
* Fixed binder bug
* Unlimited callbacks through asm
* New shrouding format
v1.1 * Preprocessor option to convert ooeu code to standard RDS code
* Methods called like handle class.method() were not parsed correctly
* Fixed bug when method name was same as previous routine name
* Now an ex.err file has the traceback of the last 10 lines like the
RDS interpreter does (shrouded code will do this, too, with -full_debug option)
* Initial tracing support through dll
v1.0 * First release